The DashieXP Wiki
Chruigh (Chris)
Vital statistics
Position Dashie's Friends/Protagonist
Age 19
Status Dead (Later resurrected)
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Christopher Hartley, also known as Chruigh. Is one of the eight main protagonists and a playable character in Until Dawn.


In the seventh and penultimate part of Dashie's Until Dawn playthrough, Dashie infamously got Chris killed by a wendigo after failing to shoot it in time, resulting in the wendigo brutally decapitating Chris. Since then, fans sometimes poke fun at Dashie by referencing his failure in saving Chris in his initial Until Dawn playthrough.

However, Dashie went back and managed to save Chris during a livestream of him replaying Until Dawn but with alternate choices, thus redeeming his infamous gaffe.
